No matter how many dogs have come and gone in my life, no
matter how well versed I think I am in doggie ways and no matter what I say; I
don’t think I am truly ever prepared when a new one comes into my life. Yes,
they are cute and cuddly and have puppy breath ( :D ) but they also pee every
where and bite every thing and eat anything that fits their little mouths
(sometimes even stuff that doesn’t).
Sure they follow you around like only little puppies can,
curl up their lil warm furry bodies on your tummy and snore cutely but they
also accuse you of abandonment every time you go for a shower or for that
matter yawn loudly and declare it a day just when its time for you to wake up
after keeping you up all night!
Clearly I do have a little puppy in my life right now and
yes he takes up all my time!!!! He is rather adventurous (read: pokes his nose
where it doesn’t belong), very attached to me (read: thinks my ass is the best
bed he will ever have), is learning walk without a leash at 5 months old (read:
proud mommy) and has to smell…taste…lick…sniff…examine EVERY THING he ever puts
his eyes on (read: qu'est que c'est Mommy?)
And well here goes, introducing Monsieur Hendrix:
Qu'est que c'est Mommy? Can I pull oohhh?? |
Qu'est que c'est Mommy??!!! |
Sniff sniff....Qu'est que c'est mommyyyyy? |
Qu'est que c'est Mommy?? PHOTOBOMB YEAH!!! |
Errrr Qu'est que C'EST? |
Qu'est que c'est Mommy???? Foooding? |
Pffttt OK.....Gnite!!!! |