Friday, March 28, 2014

Stages of Sleep 2 (feat. Saathi)

Hey there everyone. A few weeks back I published a post titled 'Stages of Sleep' which was all about the experience of sleeping with a little dog in your bed. After that post I was bombarded by questions and comments about what it is like if the dog is big! Well, not only do I have a big dog but a big dog who is rather lazy and stubborn. So here it is! Stages of Sleep with Saathi - the big, black, lazy beast who loves his cuddles as much if not more than Hendrix :)

Until next time!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

How to take your workout to the next level.

Do you, like most people, lack the motivation to get up and roll out of bed every single day to go for a run? Or are you looking to step up your game and make your workouts more effective? There was a time I fell in the first category (given my love for partying) and last year I found myself in the second category. And let me tell you something - I found the answer to all my workout related problems! Get a dog! Get a dog? Why? Here is why - 

Now, before you run out and get a Hendrix be sure that you actually need all that exercise :P Until next time.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Stages of Sleep

So, he is back to give you another taste of life with a 'Hendrix'. I am sure those of you who commit the sin of letting the pooch share your bed can identify.

Until next tim. Bis.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lets Talk About Sex

You know how those of us who are single/unmarried/childless always hear about the fact that after you have children your sex life will – how should I put it – become non-existent. What no one will warn you about is what happens to your sex life after you get a dog. What happens to your sex life after you get a small, curious dog who is possessive like a fool. Well, here goes. Here is what happens when you get a Hendrix in your life.

So go ahead and get a lil tyke all of your own; they are a delight! But, don’t say you weren’t forewarned. :P